Monday, January 24, 2011

Latin can suck a fat one.

I don't remember the last time I was so upset/angry/rather furious at the same time. I never say I'm brilliant, not to sound cocky or anything, but I'm pretty damn good at Latin. Or should I say; I used to be good at Latin. Not to mention that my Latin teacher is a f-ing psycho (am I allowed to swear here or not?), she literally does hate me. I'm not exaggerating. Last year she got me in so much trouble, I got my first detention in high school because of her, etc. Well, who cares. Today, she gave us our final projects back, and what do i get? 73. Fucking 73. You don't even understand how upset I was. Seeing as I'm the most sensitive person you'll ever meet in your life, of course I had some sort of a breakdown in the middle of class. So now I can officially say; goodbye A in Latin 3. I mean, it still depends on my final test, which is tomorrow, but I'm not planning on studying for it. Because, come on, how do you even study for Latin? You just gotta know stuff, that's about it.

So that'd be all of my complaining for today, except lack of sleep and a terrible day at school, the rest of my day wasn't too bad. Well, except another crazy yet unexpected incident, but I'd rather not talk about it here, because you'd all just be disgusted with the person, and you'd all feel bad for me probably. And I wouldn't want that.

Anyway, I guess I'm actually going to get some sleep tonight? Great. Night err'one

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